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AMC 8/10/12 tutors
Markis Gardner
Markis Gardner

Markis Gardner

Unlock your child's potential with 12+ years of expert AMC training. Affordable rates ensure access for all. Our comprehensive lessons cover every aspect multiple ways, boosting scores and mastering material. Dedicated to your child's success. Contact us for top-notch, budget-friendly tutoring!
Achievable blue logo on white background
Achievable blue logo on white background
Achievable AMC 8/10/12 - $99
Prepare with the best online AMC 8/10/12 self-study prep course. Built for today's students: mobile, guided, and personally optimized.
Online reference textbook
250+ drill question templates
Infinite randomized drills
Laptop displaying the Achievable exam prep dashboard and a smartphone displaying a quiz question
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Proven success at scale
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