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Karen Hajus

Karen Hajus

I have the following active licenses: series 6, 7, 65, 66, 3, 4, 24, 8 and 53. I am currently working in the securities industry. I have tutored for the SIE and new Top Off series 6 and 7 exams as well as the 63, 65 and 66. I also maintain an active state insurance license. I know what it takes to study and pass an exam.

I have been a tutor since 2016. Tutoring allows me to share my years of investment experiences and offer guidance to a student. I am a visual learner and tutor using illustrations to improve the recall of information and concepts. I have organized and participated in many speaking engagements both in public and in corporate board rooms. My years of sales and management experience have made me an effective communicator.

I have a BS in Finance from Quinnipiac University and an MBA in Finance from University of New Haven. I enjoy a challenge and have consistently grown within my industry by enhancing my skills by taking classes and obtaining additional licenses as well as taking on additional responsibilities. I enjoy meeting and working with new people. I am a positive person who can share my experiences to enhance a student's potential.
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Achievable Series 7 - $199
Pass the FINRA Series 7 on your first try with Achievable's interactive, online exam preparation course. Includes everything you need: easy-to-understand online textbook, 2,000+ review quizzes, and 35+ full-length practice exams.
Easy-to-understand online textbook
3.7k+ chapter quizzes
35+ practice exams
39+ bonus videos
A textbook page from Achievable's FINRA exam prep course
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