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GRE tutors
Pinnacle Prep
Pinnacle Prep

Pinnacle Prep

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Pinnacle Prep sets the bar high: only 3 out of 200 applicants become tutors after rigorous selection. With expertise in test analysis, our tailored sessions ensure maximum score improvement. On average, our students achieve a 7-point gain on the ACT composite. Backed by 20 years of world-class tutoring, we're dedicated to your child's success.
Achievable blue logo on white background
Achievable blue logo on white background
Achievable GRE - $199
Hit your GRE target score on the first try with Achievable's interactive online exam preparation course. Includes everything you need: unlimited quantitative practice questions, an easy-to-understand online textbook, 24 verbal / reading comprehension practice exams, 250 vocabulary words, and unlimited instant essay grading.
Easy-to-understand online textbook
Infinite randomized questions
200+ quant templates
30 verbal sections
250 vocab words
Unlimited essay grading
Laptop displaying the Achievable exam prep dashboard and a smartphone displaying a quiz question
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Proven success at scale
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