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Pass the Series 66
You already have knowledge of the finance industry and your role. Now, knock out the Series 66 with Achievable - the best and most effective Series 66 exam prep on the market.
Achievable exam prep includes our online textbook, review questions, and full-length practice exams.
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Been studying for this for a week and this helped me more than the 300-page textbook I read. Thank you. I've been studying for these exams for almost 6 months and have been SO confused. Now I understand! Wow! you made it so clear! Thank you so much!
What a blessing. So glad I found this platform of training. This is the best way to retain what you're studying. Thx Achievable
I am pleasantly surprised at the quantity and quality of information supplied by achievable. I was skeptical at first, but after spending time with them I i highly recommend using them. If you are looking for more detailed information I would suggest looking somewhere else, but honestly all you need are the basics.
This Program is useful for the next person who wants to be better off in the exam and would like to have a good grade
Achievable is the best resource I've found. More so than with [competitor], or [competitor] I find the material "sticks" with Achievable's system of introducing new material, followed by review quizzes to master previous readings. It's incredibly easy to use, anywhere you are (at home on a desktop, laptop, or away with your mobile device) and actually interesting to read. Every other guide I've tried reads like stereo instructions.
Platform is innovative and super user-friendly! I couldn't find a website that was easy to use until I came across Achievable.
The platform is very intuitive and have comprehensive options for preparation.
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Achievable Series 66 includes everything you need
Easy-to-understand online textbook
1.2k+ chapter quizzes
26+ practice exams
43+ bonus videos
No complicated package tiers to compare or worry if a few months will be enough
Full year of access
One-time payment
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Advanced personalization

Achievable Series 66 exam prep uses adaptive learning techniques to create and update a personalized model of your memory, individually tracking your retention and mastery of each FINRA Series 66 exam learning objective. Our learning engine monitors your study progress and continually adjusts your quiz questions to ensure you're focusing on the topics that matter most for you, improving study effectiveness while reducing overall study time.
Screenshot of Achievable Series 66 memory progress
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Full-length practice exams

With 1,200+ high-quality hand-crafted [object Object], you can take 26+ full-length practice exams. Our Series 66 practice questions include all the types of questions you'll see on the exam, and they're weighted according to the official FINRA Series 66 exam rubric so you can have confidence in your scores.
Screenshot of Achievable Series 66 practice exam
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Review quizzes

Continually reviewing the material you've learned while studying is essential, but you need more than simple Series 66 flashcards. In addition to our full-length practice exams, our Series 66 exam study materials include a separate quiz bank of 1,200+ review questions so you can quickly drill the key facts and regulations for any particular chapter.
Screenshot of Achievable Series 66 review quiz
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Easy-to-understand online textbook

You'll see within minutes why our full online Series 66 exam prep book is the best Series 66 exam prep - it's easy to understand and written in plain English, filled with straightforward explanations and real-world examples. Our expert author has 15+ years of licensing experience, and it shows. Achievable Series 66 study materials are easy to read, mobile friendly, and include detailed walkthroughs of sample questions. Each of the FINRA Series 66 sections are covered in detail in our Series 66 online course.
Achievable Series 66 online textbook shown on laptop and smartphone
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Videos on
key topics

Achievable is an effective and efficient quiz-focused course - you won't have to sit through 100+ hours of boring Series 66 video lectures! Our courses have a reputation for being easy to understand. If you're a visual learner, we have you covered: we include bonus Series 66 explainer videos on key topics to ensure you can fully understand complicated concepts.
FINRA Series 66 explainer videos
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Modern platform

Whether you're studying on the web or a smartphone, the Achievable FINRA Series 66 exam prep platform UX is clean and responsive. Progress charts highlight your journey through the Series 66 course content and your current strength in each section.
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Proven success

With Achievable, you will pass. The effectiveness of our courses is empirically validated with 2,000,000+ hours studied and 50,000,000+ quiz questions answered.
Controlled experimental studies with our corporate customers demonstrate that using Achievable results in ~15% higher scores, translating into significantly higher pass rates and career success.
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How to get your Series 66

The Series 66 does not have any prerequisites, and you do not need to be employed by or sponsored by a FINRA member firm in order to register for and take the exam. However, the SIE exam and Series 7 are both corequisites, and all three must be completed to obtain the registration.
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What's covered on the Series 66?

The Series 66 exam, known formally as the Uniform Investment Adviser Law Exam, covers the laws, regulations, ethics, strategies, and various topics important to the role of a financial adviser and offering financial advice, as well as the purchase and sale of securities and state laws pertaining to securities. This exam fulfills the requirements of both the Series 63 and Series 65, enabling the license holder to give financial advice and facilitate the purchase and sale of securities.
Despite commonly being called the "FINRA Series 66" it is more accurately a North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) exam administered by FINRA.
Test questions
Economic Factors and Business Information
8 (8%)
Investment Vehicle Characteristics
17 (17%)
Client/Customer Investment Recommendations and Strategies
30 (30%)
Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines
45 (45%)
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Series 66 practice exams

When you buy the Achievable Series 66 course, you'll get access to our extensive question bank of 1,200+ chapter quizzes and 26+ practice exams.
Our practice exams are carefully constructed to match what you'll see on the actual Series 66, based on over a decade of training experience. Furthermore, our math-based questions are templatized so that you see different numbers each time, ensuring that you're learning the underlying concept and not just the right answer.
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Series 66 exam details

The Series 66 exam - the Uniform Combined State Law Examination - is designed to test an individual's knowledge and ability to advise clients in the area of investing and how to solicit the purchase or sale of securities within a given state.
The Uniform Combined State Law Exam (a.k.a. the Series 66 exam) was created to qualify candidates as both securities agents and investment adviser representatives. It is considered a combination of the Series 63 and Series 65. The exam covers topics, both regulatory and strategic, that have been determined to be necessary to understand in order to provide investment advice to clients, as well as the purchase and sale of securities and state laws pertaining to securities.
Despite commonly being called the "FINRA Series 66" it is more accurately a North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) exam administered by FINRA.
The Series 66 exam is hosted by NASAA and costs $177 to register. Participants have 2 hours 30 minutes to answer 100 multiple-choice questions. The passing score is 73% (73/100).


2 hours 30 minutes


100 questions

Exam fee


Passing score

73% (73/100)


Eligibility and sponsorship
The Series 66 does not have any prerequisites, and you do not need to be employed by or sponsored by a FINRA member firm in order to register for and take the exam. If you are sponsored, you will need to fill out and submit U4, otherwise, just enrolling/registering is sufficient. The form and registration can be found at and submitted electronically on FINRA's website.
While there are no prerequisites for the Series 66, the SIE and Series 7 are both corequisites, meaning that all three exams must be completed in order to obtain the registration.
Administration of the exam
The Series 66 exam is administered via computer. A tutorial on how to take the exam is provided prior to taking the exam.
Each candidate's exam includes 10 additional, unidentified pretest items that do not contribute toward the candidate's score. The pretest items are randomly distributed throughout the exam. Therefore, each candidate's exam consists of a total of 110 items (100 scored and 10 unscored).
There is no penalty for guessing. Therefore, candidates should attempt to answer all items.
Candidates will be allowed 150 minutes to complete the Series 66 exam.
Candidates are not permitted to bring reference materials to their testing session. Severe penalties are imposed on candidates who cheat or attempt to cheat on FINRA-administered exams.
Scoring of the exam
All candidate test scores are placed on a common scale using a statistical adjustment process known as equating. Equating scores to a common scale accounts for the slight variations in difficulty that may exist among the different sets of exam items that candidates receive. This allows for a fair comparison of scores and ensures that every candidate is held to the same passing standard regardless of which set of exam items they received.
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Pass the first time
No credit card required
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FINRA's Series 66 exam summary

Economic Factors and Business Information
8 questions
The methods used to analyze economic factors and businesses. Topics include time value of money concepts, descriptive statistics, and the interpretation and calculation of financial ratios and valuation factors.
Investment Vehicle Characteristics
17 questions
The characteristics of different types of investment vehicles. Topics include cash and equivalents, fixed income securities and valuations, equities and equity valuation, pooled investments, derivative securities, and insurance-based products.
Client/Customer Investment Recommendations and Strategies
30 questions
Developing a client portfolio, portfolio theory, and suitability. Topics include types of clients; client profiling, capital market theory; portfolio management; tax considerations; retirement planning; special accounts; trading securities; and performance measurement.
Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines
45 questions
The state and federal securities acts and laws, rules, and regulations regarding investment advice. Topics include state and federal securities acts; rules and regulations for investment advisers; ethical practices; and fiduciary obligations.
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Achievable Series 66 content outline

Introduction to the Series 66 exam.
Investment vehicle characteristics
Financial products, their characteristics, and relation to suitability (benefits and risks). Primarily focuses on equity securities, debt securities, pooled investments, derivatives, alternative investments, and insurance products.
Recommendations & strategies
Understanding client profiles, portfolio strategies, capital market theory, tax considerations, brokerage accounts, retirement plans, estate planning, trading securities, and measuring security performance.
Economic factors & business information
Time value of money concepts (IRR, NPV), utilizing descriptive statistics to accurately measure market and portfolio data, and interpreting financial and valuation ratios.
Laws & regulations
Rules and regulations related to broker-dealers, agents, investment advisers, investment adviser representatives (IARs), issuers of securities, prohibited practices, and ethical duties. Additionally covers regulatory powers of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and state administrator.
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FINRA Series 66 resources

Check out our free Series 66 cheat sheets / Series 66 dump sheets and podcasts to help you prepare for the FINRA Series 66 exam or for a quick refresher on the Series 66 fundamentals.
Series 66 tutoring
Want one-on-one help with your studying? Check out Achievable's directory of FINRA Series 66 tutors.
Free FINRA Series 66 practice exam
Solve 10 free Series 66 practice exam questions to get a feel for what to expect on the actual Series 66 exam.
FINRA course author Brandon Rith and guests provide actionable tips and topic reviews to help you pass your FINRA exams.
Achievable's FINRA podcast
FINRA course author Brandon Rith and guests provide actionable tips and topic reviews to help you pass your FINRA exams.
Quick reference sheet ("cheat sheet") for the Series 66 covering general formulas.
Dump sheet: General formulas
Quick reference sheet ("cheat sheet") for the Series 66 covering general formulas.
Quick reference sheet ("cheat sheet") for the Series 66 covering products and suitability.
Dump sheet: Products, suitability
Quick reference sheet ("cheat sheet") for the Series 66 covering products and suitability.
Quick reference sheet ("cheat sheet") for the Series 66 covering state laws and regulations.
Dump sheet: State laws, regulations
Quick reference sheet ("cheat sheet") for the Series 66 covering state laws and regulations.
Quick reference sheet ("cheat sheet") for the Series 66 covering federal laws, regulations, ethics, and customer accounts.
Dump sheet: Federal laws, regulations, ethics, customer accounts
Quick reference sheet ("cheat sheet") for the Series 66 covering federal laws, regulations, ethics, and customer accounts.
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Achievable Series 66 - $199
Pass the FINRA Series 66 on your first try with Achievable's interactive online exam preparation course. Includes everything you need: easy-to-understand online textbook, 1,200+ chapter review quizzes, and 26+ full-length practice exams.
Easy-to-understand online textbook
1.2k+ chapter quizzes
26+ practice exams
43+ bonus videos
A textbook page from Achievable's FINRA exam prep course
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Learn from the best

Brandon Rith - Achievable FINRA expert
Our content was written exclusively for Achievable by Basic Wisdom's acclaimed FINRA instructor Brandon Rith. With 15 years of finance-related experience and 10 years of licensing expertise, Brandon has helped thousands of learners successfully pass FINRA/NASAA exams while working for Fidelity Investments, where his programs posted pass rates that always exceeded company goals.
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Pass the FINRA Series 66. Guaranteed.
Achievable is the best Series 66 exam prep course: effective, personalized, and convenient. With Achievable, you'll spend less time studying and pass your exam the first time, or your money back.
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