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Achievable S7
vs Kaplan S7

Study like it's 2025. Pass your Series 7 on the first try with Achievable's up-to-date materials and modern study platform.
Loved by users
based on 30,000+ reviews
Industry-best pass rates
first-time pass
No hidden fees or upsells
savings vs Kaplan
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How we do things differently

Not just another course: Achievable Series 7's easy-to-understand material and adaptive learning platform gets you to pass in less time. These comparison stats come directly from the Kaplan Series 7 exam site.
Achievable Series 7
Kaplan Series 7
Pass rate
Not disclosed
Course access
12 months
5 months
Free to try
First chapter free
plus a few bonus pages
Practice tests
35+ full exams
Only 1 exam
Per-topic standard flashcard quizzes
Dynamic quizzes to test formula understanding
Personalizes to your strengths and weaknesses
Built for mobile
Study planner
Instructor hotline
Average 60 minutes
(within 24 hours)
Within 2 business days
(premium only)
Video instruction
39+ explainer videos
Intro/wrap-up videos
(premium only)
Exam readiness score
Pass guarantee
Final price
(includes everything)
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You'll be in good company

Here's what real people who recommend Achievable over Kaplan Series 7 exam prep have to say on the topic.
I have nothing but amazing things to say about the study platform you all have created. I could go on for pages, honestly. I first used Kaplan it was such a struggle to understand what they were even saying, let alone apply the concepts. The practice exams you create are so so similar to the real thing I am so thankful. I really felt like I knew what I was doing on the S7. I was able to apply the concepts learned in Achievable directly to almost all the questions. I could go on forever, THANK YOU.
Virgil M.
So grateful that [person] recommended Achievable to me. I tried to pass this exam using Kaplan twice and didn't fully grasp anything until I used this program. I felt like I had a predictable draw - nothing that I wasn't ready for. Thank you for making Achievable!!!! It helped me SO much.
Doug H.
You guys helped me out so much! I was struggling with Kaplan and I'm so thankful I switched to your platform.
Rosemary K.
Thank you so much! I've used ExamFX and Kaplan and failed after both. Achievable helped me pass!
Monique R.
Appreciate your solution for helping me pass. It was my third try and switched from Kaplan to you all and it worked.
Violet W.
Achievable's textbook does an excellent job of teaching the concepts, adding real - world examples, and making it interesting! It was such a relief to find it after studying with Kaplan.
Lionel V.
I have been recommending your program to all of my colleagues. The explanations were so helpful especially with advanced options strategies. Unfortunately my company requires us to use Kaplan. I tried to many different methods to understand options but yours was the only one that actually got through to me! I cannot thank you enough!
Harvey P.
Thank you! I have been trying to pass this test for over 6 years and failed it 3 times. I've used Kaplan, PassPerfect, and a couple of other study materials and none worked. You guys are so good at explaining the topics to dumb people like me.
Janie R.
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Achievable Series 7 includes everything you need
Easy-to-understand online textbook
3.7k+ chapter quizzes
35+ practice exams
39+ bonus videos
No complicated package tiers to compare or worry if a few months will be enough
Full year of access
One-time payment
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Advanced personalization

Achievable Series 7 exam prep uses adaptive learning techniques to create and update a personalized model of your memory, individually tracking your retention and mastery of each FINRA Series 7 exam learning objective. Our learning engine monitors your study progress and continually adjusts your quiz questions to ensure you're focusing on the topics that matter most for you, improving study effectiveness while reducing overall study time.
Screenshot of Achievable Series 7 memory progress
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Full-length practice exams

With 3,700+ high-quality hand-crafted [object Object], you can take 35+ full-length practice exams. Our Series 7 practice questions include all the types of questions you'll see on the exam, and they're weighted according to the official FINRA Series 7 exam rubric so you can have confidence in your scores.
Screenshot of Achievable Series 7 practice exam
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Review quizzes

Continually reviewing the material you've learned while studying is essential, but you need more than simple Series 7 flashcards. In addition to our full-length practice exams, our Series 7 exam study materials include a separate quiz bank of 3,700+ review questions so you can quickly drill the key facts and regulations for any particular chapter.
Screenshot of Achievable Series 7 review quiz
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Easy-to-understand online textbook

You'll see within minutes why our full online Series 7 exam prep book is the best Series 7 exam prep - it's easy to understand and written in plain English, filled with straightforward explanations and real-world examples. Our expert author has 15+ years of licensing experience, and it shows. Achievable Series 7 study materials are easy to read, mobile friendly, and include detailed walkthroughs of sample questions. Each of the FINRA Series 7 sections are covered in detail in our Series 7 online course.
Achievable Series 7 online textbook shown on laptop and smartphone
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Videos on
key topics

Achievable is an effective and efficient quiz-focused course - you won't have to sit through 100+ hours of boring Series 7 video lectures! Our courses have a reputation for being easy to understand. If you're a visual learner, we have you covered: we include bonus Series 7 explainer videos on key topics to ensure you can fully understand complicated concepts.
FINRA Series 7 explainer videos
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Modern platform

Whether you're studying on the web or a smartphone, the Achievable FINRA Series 7 exam prep platform UX is clean and responsive. Progress charts highlight your journey through the Series 7 course content and your current strength in each section.
Achievable Series 7 dashboard shown on laptop and smartphone
Achievable FINRA Series 7 dashboard
Pass the FINRA Series 7. Guaranteed.
Pass the FINRA Series 7 on your first try with Achievable's interactive, online exam preparation course. Includes everything you need: easy-to-understand online textbook, 2,000+ review quizzes, and 35+ full-length practice exams.
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Proven success at scale
Partner with Achievable to modernize your training program, increase your pass rates, and help people achieve their professional goals