Tutor directory

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ACT tutoring

Are you preparing for the ACT exam and looking to maximize your score? Look no further! Our directory of top-notch ACT tutoring services is here to guide you towards success. Get ACT tutoring by experts in their fields that can provide tailored instruction to address your specific needs.
Boost your confidence and master every section, from math to English, with the help of dedicated ACT math tutors and comprehensive ACT classes. Don't let distance be a barrier - online ACT tutors ensure you receive the same high-quality instruction from the comfort of your own home. Get ready to conquer the ACT with our directory of exceptional ACT tutoring services available both in-person and online. Contact a tutor today to find your ideal ACT private tutor and unlock your full potential.
The people and businesses below are independent from Achievable; feel free to reach out to them directly.
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New York Admissions
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New York Admissions

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Dana Haddad, CEO of New York Admissions, leverages her experience as a former admissions director to guide families through the school admissions process, ensuring success. With a 100% acceptance rate, personalized consultations, and comprehensive support, she helps clients secure placements in top-choice private and public schools.
US College Connect
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US College Connect

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US College Connect specializes in guiding Australian students through the US college and UK university admissions process. Founder Deborah Wheeler, with her extensive education background, provides personalized counseling and tutoring for standardized tests, ensuring students make informed decisions and secure acceptance to their desired schools.
S&S Math Tutors
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S&S Math Tutors

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S&S Math Tutoring specializes in SAT/ACT/GED exam prep and college counseling, crafting personalized strategies to maximize student potential. Our love for teaching and Math had instilled confidence in 100+ students. Our goal as tutors is to help students in achieving their goals.
Remy Zaken Andersen
$175 - $225

Remy Zaken Andersen

$175 - $225
Our commitment to fostering students' knowledge, executive function, and test-taking skills has consistently led to goal scores, admission to first-choice schools, and increased confidence for our students. Our ACT students see an average of 4-6 points increase in their composite scores, more access to merit scholarships, and lower test anxiety. Our engaging, warm approach works and we have the results and reviews to prove it.
$180 - $280


$180 - $280
When you sign up for CollegeThoughts, you choose to simplify your college journey. We define, develop, and implement college readiness plans for students, including SAT/ACT preparation, college essay writing coaching, and college list creation. We also have a study skills series for middle school students to prepare them to get more out of high school. Reach out today and mention "Family Focus Media" for a free consultation with a member of our team!
Joseph Hammerman

Joseph Hammerman

Johns Hopkins math degree, 20+ years tutoring experience, tutors math through BC Calculus, particularly honors math, ACT and SAT all sections, including for students with close to perfect scores. Author of high selling Math ACT book. Highly interactive approach, like to work students through problems.
Central Park Tutors

Central Park Tutors

It's no surprise we are one of NYC's most well-known tutoring agencies featured in the New York Times. Our tutors are experienced, inspired, personable educators with Master's Degrees.
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