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USMLE Step 1 tutors
Sujata Arecanteparamb
Sujata Arecanteparamb

Sujata Arecanteparamb

Teaching is my passion. I practiced for more than 10 years as a Clinician and Medical Tutor. When I took my USMLE exams, my extensive training helped me achieve high scores (250+). When I started tutoring I noticed that a lot of students were struggling with their concepts and finding it hard to make the correlations necessary to answer USMLE questions correctly. So, I decided to devote more time to tutor students and share my successful strategies with them. Since then, I have accrued hundreds of hours in tutoring experience specifically specializing in the USMLE exams.
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Achievable blue logo on white background
Achievable USMLE Step 1 - $299
Reach your USMLE Step 1 target score on the first try with Achievable's online self-study course. Includes an easy-to-read online textbook and 1,400+ review quizzes with explanations.
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