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Pass the Life & Health insurance exam
Whether you're looking to become a life and health insurance agent, or getting your life and health license as part of a wealth management role, Achievable is the best and most effective life & health insurance exam prep on the market.
Achievable exam prep includes our online textbook, review questions, and full-length practice exams.
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This has helped me tremendously. The on hands learning with videos as well is a different type of mental learning.
Achievable is the best resource I've found. More so than with [competitor], or [competitor] I find the material "sticks" with Achievable's system of introducing new material, followed by review quizzes to master previous readings. It's incredibly easy to use, anywhere you are (at home on a desktop, laptop, or away with your mobile device) and actually interesting to read. Every other guide I've tried reads like stereo instructions.
Very well structured, perfect to learn new material and review material already covered. The website is very cleanly presented
I am pleasantly surprised at the quantity and quality of information supplied by achievable. I was skeptical at first, but after spending time with them I i highly recommend using them. If you are looking for more detailed information I would suggest looking somewhere else, but honestly all you need are the basics.
Great way to sudy. I like the Format and the way the content is laid out......... Thank you for the prep
Been studying for this for a week and this helped me more than the 300-page textbook I read. Thank you. I've been studying for these exams for almost 6 months and have been SO confused. Now I understand! Wow! you made it so clear! Thank you so much!
Great Program for getting down the necessary curriculum and tools to be able to pass. Ive looked everywhere for something like this
What a blessing. So glad I found this platform of training. This is the best way to retain what you're studying. Thx Achievable
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Achievable Life & Health insurance includes everything you need
Easy-to-understand online textbook
Chapter quizzes
Practice exams
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Advanced personalization

Achievable Life & Health insurance exam prep uses adaptive learning techniques to create and update a personalized model of your memory, individually tracking your retention and mastery of each Life & Health insurance exam learning objective. Our learning engine monitors your study progress and continually adjusts your quiz questions to ensure you're focusing on the topics that matter most for you, improving study effectiveness while reducing overall study time.
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Full-length practice exams

With hundreds of high-quality hand-crafted Life & Health insurance practice exam questions, you can take 5+ full-length practice exams. Our Life & Health insurance practice questions include all the types of questions you'll see on the exam, and they're weighted according to the official Life & Health insurance exam rubric for each state so you can have confidence in your scores.
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Review quizzes

Continually reviewing the material you've learned while studying is essential, but you need more than simple Life & Health insurance flashcards. In addition to our full-length practice exams, our Life & Health insurance exam study materials include a separate quiz bank of 650+ review questions so you can quickly drill the key facts and regulations for any particular chapter.
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Easy-to-understand online textbook

You'll see within minutes why our concise online textbook is a cut above other Life & Health insurance exam prep - it's easy to understand and written in plain English, filled with straightforward explanations that cut right to the chase. Achievable Life & Health insurance exam study materials are easy to read, mobile-friendly, and include detailed walkthroughs of sample questions. Our Life & Health insurance exam online course covers each of the Life & Health insurance exam sections in detail.
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Modern platform

Whether you're studying on the web or a smartphone, the Achievable Life & Health insurance exam prep platform UX is clean and responsive. Progress charts highlight your journey through the Life & Health insurance course content and your current strength in each section.
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Adaptive study planner

Use our study planner tool to create a personalized day-by-day study plan and ensure you get through all your Life & Health insurance content by exam day. All you need to do is focus on studying and our system will help you stay on track.
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With Achievable, you will pass. The effectiveness of our courses is empirically validated with 2,000,000+ hours studied and 50,000,000+ quiz questions answered.
Controlled experimental studies with our corporate customers demonstrate that using Achievable results in ~15% higher scores, translating into significantly higher pass rates and career success.
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Life & Health
insurance exam
key stats

The exam time, number of questions, passing score, and exam fee vary from state to state. We have created a list of all states' requirements.
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Life & Health insurance exam key questions

Does this course prepare me for the Life & Health Insurance exam in my state?
Yes, our Life & Health course includes the material for all 50 states, and the District of Columbia. Some states use slight variations in the naming, e.g. the Life, Accident, and Health Insurance exam (LAH); this is the same course.
Does this course come with a certificate of completion for my state?
Insurance licensing requirements vary state-by-state. The following states do not require a certificate of completion: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming.
Other states have specific pre-licensing requirements, and we are working to ensure we meet them for every state. Please select your state on the purchase page to see if there are any additional requirements.
Should I take the Life & Health Insurance exam together or separately?
Some states offer you the choice of taking the Life & Health Insurance exam together or separately. Achievable's course can handle either use case - if taking them separately, just study one half of the course, then the other. But in terms of test-taking, let's go over the benefits of each approach:
Taking the combined Life & Health insurance exam means you will be studying and passing one exam that covers both property and casualty insurance topics simultaneously. The main benefit of the combined exam is that allows individuals to enter the insurance industry more quickly, which is why many companies prefer you pursue the combined exam path first. However, it also means that you will need to learn and memorize both topics in the exam at the same time, which can be difficult for some learners.
Conversely, taking the Life & Health exams separately gives you more time to study for each insurance exam category. This can be a wise and calculated approach if you are worried about passing the exams and have more time, especially if you are new to the material. This approach allows you to focus more narrowly and become proficient in one area before transitioning to the other. The drawback is that this approach can take more time than pursuing the combined exam, and it may be slightly more expensive to sit for two tests in some states.
What is the pass rate of the Life & Health Insurance exam?
The national pass rate for the Life & Health Insurance exam is 65%.
Notably, the national pass rate for the Life exam alone is 62%, and the national pass rate for the Health exam alone is 63%. This shows that there is not a pass rate advantage when taking these exams separately versus together.
How do I sit for my Life & Health insurance exam?
The Life & Health Insurance exam is offered both remotely and in-person throughout the year. However, exam date availability may vary depending on your nearest Prometric, PSI or Pearson VUE testing center.
How long does it take for your registration to be official?
Upon passing the Life & Health Insurance exam, you will receive a paper with instructions on applying for your state license, though you might need to wait a couple of days for the test center to confirm your passing score before applying.
How many times can you take the Life & Health Insurance exam?
There is no limit on how many times you can take the Life & Health Insurance exam. Still, depending on the state, there may be restrictions such as waiting periods between attempts or limits on the total number of retakes within a certain time frame.
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Life & Health exam summary

Most of the Life & Health insurance exam content is the same for tests across the United States. There is typically a small amount that varies by state due to state-specific rules and regulations, which are all covered in our course. Below are the typical topics that will be covered during the Life & Health Insurance exam:

Life insurance exam summary

1. Insurance Regulation
Typically the first and lengthiest part of the exam. It emphasizes the need for insurers to adhere to fair business practices, covering both state and federal regulation along with various facets of insurance sales including licensing, marketing, and record keeping.
2. General Insurance
Concepts that apply to all kinds of insurance are covered in this section, including risk management, legal contracts, and insurer types.
3. Life Insurance Basics
Goes over foundational concepts such as settlements, personal and business uses of life insurance, and policy classes.
4. Life Insurance Policies
This section goes deeper into life insurance policies by discussing types of specialized or flexible premium policies as well as group plans.
5. Life Insurance Policy Provisions, Options, and Riders
The second-largest portion of the life insurance exam. It covers standard provisions, beneficiaries, and disability riders in detail, along with settlement, nonforfeiture, dividend, policy loan, and withdrawal options.
6. Annuities
Discusses different annuity principles, concepts, products, uses, and payment options.
7. Federal Tax Considerations for Life Insurance and Annuities
Covers taxation of personal life insurance, non-qualified annuities, and individual retirement annuities (IRAs).
8. Qualified Plans
A small section of the Life Insurance Exam, often taking up less than 5% of the exam's contents. It covers three subtopics: general requirements, federal tax considerations, and plan types, characteristics, and purchasers.

Health insurance exam summary

1. Insurance Regulation
If you choose to take the Life insurance and Health insurance exam separately, the Insurance Regulation section will be included both times. This portion does not focus on specific types of insurance, instead delving into fair business practices and various facets of lawful insurance sales including licensing, marketing, and record keeping.
2. General Insurance
Another section that applies to both Life and Health insurance. It covers foundational concepts, including risk management, legal contracts, and insurer types.
3. Accident and Health Insurance Basics
Covers topics specific to these kinds of insurance, such as the principal types of losses and benefits.
4. Disability Income and Related Insurance
Topics include the types of benefits and coverage and how to qualify for them.
5. Medical Plans
Requires knowledge of HIPAA requirements along with various types of medical plans and providers.
6. Group Accident and Health Insurance
Touches on eligibility, employer plans and expenses, and how group insurance is impacted by regulations like ERISA and Medicare.
7. Dental Insurance
A small portion of the exam but requires specific knowledge of dental treatment categories and terminology, such as the difference between orthodontics and endodontics.
8. Medicare
Various aspects of Medicare are covered in this section, such as standard policies and other options for individuals with Medicare.
9. Long-Term Care Insurance
Covers elements of Long-term care (LTC) policies, such as benefit eligibility, different levels of care, and required provisions.
10. Federal Tax Considerations for Accident and Health Insurance
Has the longest title, but it is often one of the smallest sections in the Health insurance exam. It covers personally-owned versus employer-group health insurance and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) versus Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs).
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Achievable Life & Health insurance content outline

General insurance concepts
An overview of foundational concepts essential to understanding the insurance industry. Risk management principles, sources of insurance, different insurance marketing systems, the authority of producers, insurance contracts, and the legal principles governing them.
Producer roles and receipt types
An introduction to what an insurance producer is responsible for, including law of agency, fiduciary duty, and types of receipt.
Principles of life insurance
This chapter covers the different types of life insurance, personal and business applications of life insurance, and different ways to value a human life.
The role of the insurance underwriter. Different sources of underwriting information, how premiums are determined, and what it means to "rate" an insurance policy.
Term life insurance
An introduction to the key differences between Term and Permanent life insurance, followed by an exploration of the most common (testable) types of term insurance products.
Whole life insurance
Exploring the different features of permanent or "whole" life insurance, including cash value, illustrations, policy loans, maturation, and the Modified Endowment Contract.
Variable insurance products
An "exam focused" look at the five key differences between fixed and variable life insurance products.
Group life insurance
Important group life insurance concepts like multiple employer trusts, underwriting considerations, conversion privileges, and participation percentages.
Life insurance provisions
This chapter covers policy ownership and assignment, beneficiaries, and endorsements. It also delves into Dividend, settlement, and non-forfeiture options.
In this chapter, you will learn the differences between single premium and continuous pay and between immediate and deferred annuities. We also discuss the annuitization process and the available payout options.
Taxation of life insurance products
This chapter outlines the tax treatment of life insurance and annuities, including premiums, cash accumulation, withdrawals, and policy loans.
Qualified retirement plans
When discussing the merits of annuities and cash value life insurance with your clients, it is important to understand what other vehicles are available for retirement planning.
Health insurance basics
An introduction to commercial insurers, service providers, and government health insurance programs, as well as an overview of the health insurance underwriting process and the concept of a rated policy.
Required policy provisions
12 policy provisions are required to be written into a health insurance contract. These required policy provisions are intended to protect the insured.
Optional policy provisions
For the purpose of the exam, there are 11 available optional provisions that the insurance company can add to the policy, which, in theory, protect them.
Medical expense insurance
This chapter starts with the base plan and moves through comprehensive major medical. It is written chronologically and a history of how health insurance in this country was introduced and evolved into what is available in today's market.
Group health insurance
Most people in the United States are covered by group health insurance, usually employer-sponsored. This chapter covers the testable concepts surrounding group health insurance and what you need to know about COBRA and HIPAA.
Disability income insurance
Disability Income insurance is heavily weighted on the pre-licensing exam. This chapter focuses on test-specific concepts, including elimination and benefit period, types of disabilities, and various ways to define "disabled."
Accidental death and dismemberment insurance
AD&D is the only (unendorsed) health insurance policy that offers a death benefit. This chapter covers the capital and principal sum and what is required to file a successful claim.
Long term care insurance
LTC is a relatively new type of insurance. Here, you will learn about convalescent care, the five Activities of Daily Living, and the laws that apply specifically to LTC insurance.
Dental insurance
Every L&H exam will test you on endodontics, prosthodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, and/or oral pathology. Knowing these terms will get you closer to passing the pre-licensing exam.
Section 125 plans and limited policies
This chapter covers Health Savings Accounts (HSA), Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), and Medical Savings Accounts (MSA), as well as Vision, Dread Disease, and Hospital Confinement policies.
Federal government programs
The Federal Government is the world's largest insurer. For the exam, you need to be familiar with Social Security disability income insurance, Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D, and health insurance for the military (Tricare and CHAMPUS).
Medigap and medicaid
Medigap policies supplement coverage where Medicare is lacking. Medicaid is a state-administered medical expense program for people in financial need.
Health insurance taxation
There are only a few ways to test the taxation of health insurance products. Know what is generally true and the exceptions to the rule.
State regulations & NAIC insurance law
While insurance concepts are relatively uniform in all 50 states, state regulations vary. The Achievable Life and Health course is state-specific and covers exactly what you need to know about the state in which you will be testing.
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Learn from the best

Matt Williams - Achievable Insurance expert
Matt Williams has been teaching insurance pre-licensing curriculum for over 10 years and has helped thousands of people pass their exams on their first attempt. Matt teaches insurance pre-licensing for all 50 states, and specializes in making the material approachable and concise.
Matt has obtained the Life & Health, Property & Casualty, and Adjuster insurance licenses, as well as the Series 7, 8, 24, 63, and 65 FINRA/NASAA investment licenses. Matt holds the CLU, ChFC, and CFP® professional designations; and is a certified trainer in adult education.
Matt's most recent professional position was Director of Network Office Supervision at Northwestern Mutual. Today, he boasts the title of full-time instructor. Matt gives you the knowledge and confidence to pass your licensing exams and get your insurance licenses.
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