Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
The recipe demands six and three quarter cups of flour to make 21 pancakes
Average price ($) of gas by month in 2022

Miles per gallon by vehicle brand
Vehicle brand | Miles per gallon |
Realm Rover | 31 |
Wolf Wagon | 35 |
Storm Sterling | 39 |
Gibraltar | 29 |
Abyss | 23 |
Based on this data, it would be most expensive to:
The centerline evenly splits the triangle below with A = 7

Lines AB and CD both run through the midpoint of both the interior and exterior circles, and the two lines are perpendicular to each other. What is the total area of the shaded regions if the straight line CB (not shown) has a length equal to 8√2 and if the radius of the interior circle is exactly half the radius of the exterior circle?

Given points A (-2, -2) and B (2, 7):

The national test scores for a college entrance exam had a normal distribution. A total of 34,000 people took the exam, the mean score was 78, and 23,142 people scored between 74 and 82 on the exam.

ETS's GRE exam summary
- understand, interpret and analyze quantitative information
- solve problems using mathematical models
- apply basic skills and elementary concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry and data analysis
- analyze and draw conclusions from discourse; reason from incomplete data; identify author's assumptions and/or perspective; understand multiple levels of meaning, such as literal, figurative and author's intent
- select important points; distinguish major from minor or irrelevant points; summarize text; understand the structure of a text
- understand the meanings of words, sentences and entire texts; understand relationships among words and among concepts
- articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively
- support ideas with relevant reasons and examples
- examine claims and accompanying evidence
- sustain a well-focused, coherent discussion
- control the elements of standard written English