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Hardest colleges to get into in Georgia

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Top 10 colleges in Georgia with the lowest acceptance rates

What are the hardest colleges to get into in Georgia? We've got you covered. We've compiled a national college database and have created a list of the hardest universities to get into in Georgia below. These are the hardest 4 year colleges to get into in Georgia, and sometimes some of the hardest colleges to get into in the US. You could even say these are the best colleges in Georgia. We also include each college's average SAT and ACT scores so that you can see where you're most competitive. Read on to find out more.

Emory University acceptance rate

Emory University acceptance rate is 18.5%.
Emory University
The average SAT score for Emory University is 1435.
  • SAT composite: 1435
  • SAT math: 740
  • SAT reading/writing: 695
The average ACT score for Emory University is 33.

Georgia Institute of Technology acceptance rate

Georgia Institute of Technology acceptance rate is 22.6%.
Georgia Institute of Technology
The average SAT score for Georgia Institute of Technology is 1465.
  • SAT composite: 1465
  • SAT math: 750
  • SAT reading/writing: 715
The average ACT score for Georgia Institute of Technology is 33.

Paine College acceptance rate

Paine College acceptance rate is 32%.
Paine College
The average SAT score for Paine College is 830.
  • SAT composite: 830
  • SAT math: 410
  • SAT reading/writing: 420
The average ACT score for Paine College is 16.

Spelman College acceptance rate

Spelman College acceptance rate is 43.4%.
Spelman College
The average SAT score for Spelman College is 1155.
  • SAT composite: 1155
  • SAT math: 560
  • SAT reading/writing: 595
The average ACT score for Spelman College is 24.

Clayton State University acceptance rate

Clayton State University acceptance rate is 48%.
Clayton State University
The average SAT score for Clayton State University is 951.
  • SAT composite: 951
  • SAT math: 460
  • SAT reading/writing: 491
The average ACT score for Clayton State University is 20.

University of Georgia acceptance rate

University of Georgia acceptance rate is 48.6%.
University of Georgia
The average SAT score for University of Georgia is 1325.
  • SAT composite: 1325
  • SAT math: 660
  • SAT reading/writing: 665
The average ACT score for University of Georgia is 30.

Columbus State University acceptance rate

Columbus State University acceptance rate is 53.4%.
Columbus State University
The average SAT score for Columbus State University is 978.
  • SAT composite: 978
  • SAT math: 480
  • SAT reading/writing: 498
The average ACT score for Columbus State University is 21.

Georgia State University acceptance rate

Georgia State University acceptance rate is 57.4%.
Georgia State University
The average SAT score for Georgia State University is 1090.
  • SAT composite: 1090
  • SAT math: 545
  • SAT reading/writing: 545
The average ACT score for Georgia State University is 24.

Kennesaw State University acceptance rate

Kennesaw State University acceptance rate is 57.9%.
Kennesaw State University
The average SAT score for Kennesaw State University is 1175.
  • SAT composite: 1175
  • SAT math: 580
  • SAT reading/writing: 595
The average ACT score for Kennesaw State University is 24.

University of West Georgia acceptance rate

University of West Georgia acceptance rate is 58.6%.
University of West Georgia
The average SAT score for University of West Georgia is 1000.
  • SAT composite: 1000
  • SAT math: 470
  • SAT reading/writing: 530
The average ACT score for University of West Georgia is 20.


Getting into any college is an accomplishment, but these schools are arguably the hardest to get into in Georgia. Knowledge is power, and we hope this list gives you the key data you need to make a decision on where you should apply. You will want to be above the average SAT or ACT score, and have a strong GPA with good extracurriculars. Good luck!
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