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Easiest colleges to get into in Oklahoma

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Top 10 colleges in Oklahoma with the highest acceptance rates

What are the easiest colleges to get into in Oklahoma? We've got you covered. We've compiled a national college database and have created a list of the easiest colleges to get into in Oklahoma below. These are the easiest 4 year colleges to get into in Oklahoma that have the highest acceptance rates, and are more likely to accept low GPAs, GEDs, and everything in between. There are tons of good colleges below that accept more applicants, and we also share their average SAT and ACT scores so that you can see where you're most competitive. Read on to find out more.

Cameron University acceptance rate

Cameron University acceptance rate is 100%.
Cameron University
The average SAT score for Cameron University is 1040.
  • SAT composite: 1040
  • SAT math: 520
  • SAT reading/writing: 520
The average ACT score for Cameron University is 20.

Northeastern State University acceptance rate

Northeastern State University acceptance rate is 97%.
Northeastern State University
The average SAT score for Northeastern State University is 1080.
  • SAT composite: 1080
  • SAT math: 540
  • SAT reading/writing: 540
The average ACT score for Northeastern State University is 21.

Oral Roberts University acceptance rate

Oral Roberts University acceptance rate is 93.3%.
Oral Roberts University
The average SAT score for Oral Roberts University is 1100.
  • SAT composite: 1100
  • SAT math: 540
  • SAT reading/writing: 560
The average ACT score for Oral Roberts University is 23.

Southwestern Oklahoma State Univeristy acceptance rate

Southwestern Oklahoma State Univeristy acceptance rate is 90.8%.
Southwestern Oklahoma State Univeristy
The average SAT score for Southwestern Oklahoma State Univeristy is 1110.
  • SAT composite: 1110
  • SAT math: 555
  • SAT reading/writing: 555
The average ACT score for Southwestern Oklahoma State Univeristy is 22.

Rogers State University acceptance rate

Rogers State University acceptance rate is 84.2%.
Rogers State University
The average SAT score for Rogers State University is 1040.
  • SAT composite: 1040
  • SAT math: 520
  • SAT reading/writing: 520
The average ACT score for Rogers State University is 18.

University of Central Oklahoma acceptance rate

University of Central Oklahoma acceptance rate is 81%.
University of Central Oklahoma
The average SAT score for University of Central Oklahoma is 1080.
  • SAT composite: 1080
  • SAT math: 540
  • SAT reading/writing: 540
The average ACT score for University of Central Oklahoma is 21.

The University of Oklahoma acceptance rate

The University of Oklahoma acceptance rate is 80.4%.
The University of Oklahoma
The average SAT score for The University of Oklahoma is 1210.
  • SAT composite: 1210
  • SAT math: 605
  • SAT reading/writing: 605
The average ACT score for The University of Oklahoma is 26.

Southwestern Christian University acceptance rate

Southwestern Christian University acceptance rate is 77%.
Southwestern Christian University
The average SAT score for Southwestern Christian University is 1010.
  • SAT composite: 1010
  • SAT math: 505
  • SAT reading/writing: 505
The average ACT score for Southwestern Christian University is 19.

Oklahoma State University acceptance rate

Oklahoma State University acceptance rate is 73.8%.
Oklahoma State University
The average SAT score for Oklahoma State University is 1167.
  • SAT composite: 1167
  • SAT math: 580
  • SAT reading/writing: 587
The average ACT score for Oklahoma State University is 25.

Southeastern Oklahoma State University acceptance rate

Southeastern Oklahoma State University acceptance rate is 72%.
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
The average SAT score for Southeastern Oklahoma State University is 1080.
  • SAT composite: 1080
  • SAT math: 540
  • SAT reading/writing: 540
The average ACT score for Southeastern Oklahoma State University is 21.


You don't need to go to Stanford, Harvard, or any college like that to be a standout success - so many people have become successful after attending all kinds of colleges and universities. There are tons of great schools around the country that have high acceptance rates and provide great educations for students. While some of these schools may not be a name brand, they will still give you the skills you need to be successful in whatever field you choose. Consider these colleges, and remember that any college admission is a big accomplishment!
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