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Chemical Engineering
graduate schools

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Top Chemical Engineering graduate schools

Looking for the top Chemical Engineering graduate schools? We put together a comprehensive list of the best graduate programs for Chemical Engineering, and put the results below. We include the acceptance rate, average GRE scores, and a brief description of each - all the information you need to kick start your research. Read on!

California Institute of Technology Chemical Engineering school acceptance rate

California Institute of Technology Chemical Engineering
Antony-22 / Wikimedia Commons / "E. Spalding Laboratory Caltech 2018" / CC BY-SA 4.0
The Chemical Engineering program at Caltech offers students a comprehensive education in applying various disciplines to understand chemical reactions, transport phenomena, and the development of new processes and materials. It traces its roots back to Arthur Amos Noyes, who initially established it as applied chemistry. The department's notable involvement in Project 37 of the American Petroleum Institute contributed significantly to advancing knowledge in thermodynamics and phase equilibria in hydrocarbon systems. Admission to these esteemed graduate options is highly competitive, with emphasis on selecting students with broad interests and creative thinking. The programs prioritize immersive research experiences, allowing students to explore their scientific interests fully. The ultimate goal is to equip graduate students with the necessary training and research experiences to obtain a PhD degree.

Georgia Institute of Technology Chemical Engineering school acceptance rate

Georgia Institute of Technology Chemical Engineering
JJonahJackalope / Wikimedia Commons / "Ford Environmental Science and Technology Building" / CC BY-SA 4.0
The School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at Georgia Tech offers graduate programs for MS and PhD degrees in chemical engineering. The MS degree can be earned through coursework, while both programs provide flexible course selection and individualized study plans. Research opportunities cover a wide range of areas, including catalysis, microfluidics, sustainable development, and bioinformatics. The school also collaborates with other departments to offer degrees in Bioengineering. With esteemed faculty and cutting-edge laboratories, the school focuses on groundbreaking research for disease therapeutics, environmental sustainability, and technological advancements. Georgia Tech's College of Engineering consistently ranks among the top, providing a comprehensive education integrating diverse disciplines and hands-on research.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chemical Engineering school acceptance rate

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chemical Engineering
John Phelan / Wikimedia Commons / "MIT Building 1, Pierce Engineering Laboratory, Cambridge MA" / CC BY 3.0
MIT's chemical engineering department boasts 40 expert professors specializing in energy, sustainability, materials, polymers, biotechnology, and manufacturing. Well-funded research projects provide graduate students with invaluable immersion opportunities. MIT chemical engineering offers ample time and financial support, whether students aim for academia, industry, or entrepreneurship. Graduate study at MIT allows for leading-edge research and collaboration with distinguished faculty members. The department provides extensive resources, and the location in Greater Boston adds to the intellectual and cultural richness. MIT Chemical Engineering offers three graduate programs: PhD/ScD Degree, PhDCEP Degree (with industrial experience and leadership training), and MSCEP Degree (hands-on experience in industrial settings). These programs equip students for successful careers in their chosen fields.

Princeton University Chemical Engineering school acceptance rate

Princeton University Chemical Engineering
David Keddie / Wikimedia Commons / "Frick Chemistry Laboratory (new)" / CC BY-SA 4.0
Princeton University's Ph.D. program is distinctive in several ways. It aims to prepare students for research careers in industry or academia, providing them with a livable stipend and exempting them from tuition fees for five years, as long as they make satisfactory progress. The program's focus is on original research leading to a Ph.D. dissertation, complemented by coursework in chemical engineering and related fields. The program emphasizes close mentorship, effective communication skills, and offers ample collaboration opportunities, including access to advanced technologies and connections with leading researchers. Additionally, Princeton's favorable location near major cities and outdoor recreational areas adds to its uniqueness.

Stanford University Chemical Engineering school acceptance rate

Stanford University Chemical Engineering
Frank Schulenburg / Wikimedia Commons / "Shriram Center, Stanford University" / CC BY-SA 4.0
The Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering at Stanford requires completion of 135 graduate units and additional requirements. Research areas include statistical mechanics, biocatalysis, bioengineering, colloid science, and more. The program aims to equip students with knowledge and skills for professional careers or further studies through advanced coursework in fundamental chemical engineering topics. The Ph.D. is awarded to candidates who demonstrate substantial scholarship and research capabilities. Current research covers topics like renewable energy, polymer science, nanotechnology, and surface science. Overall, the program emphasizes independent research and prepares students to make original contributions in Chemical Engineering and related fields.

University of California, Berkeley Chemical Engineering school acceptance rate

University of California, Berkeley Chemical Engineering
Firstcultural / Wikimedia Commons / "UC-Berkeley-018-college-of-chemistry" / CC0
The graduate program in chemical and biomolecular engineering at Berkeley offers students the opportunity to engage in original research in applied science. They can pursue a Ph.D. or an M.S. degree, with the latter requiring 24 semester units. At least 12 units must be 200-level courses in Chemical Engineering, and the remaining 12 units can be chosen from upper-division/graduate electives. Although research is not mandatory, students can opt for research credits. A comprehensive exam is conducted at the end of the first semester, testing knowledge in transport phenomena, kinetics, and thermodynamics. The program focuses on core courses, and collaboration between students and faculty is encouraged.
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University of California, Santa Barbara Chemical Engineering school acceptance rate

University of California, Santa Barbara Chemical Engineering
Coolcaesar at English Wikipedia / Wikimedia Commons / "UCSB University Center and Storke Tower" / CC BY-SA 3.0
UC Santa Barbara's Chemical Engineering graduate program is globally renowned, ranked #2 by the National Research Council. Emphasizing research careers, the program offers a broad education in chemical engineering, materials science, and bioengineering. Specialized research areas include Materials & Interfaces, Bioengineering, Energy & Sustainability, and Modeling, Theory & Simulation. The program's focus on interdisciplinary activities with broad technological and societal impact sets it apart. Graduates find opportunities in industry and academia. The distinguished faculty, recognized as leaders in their fields, foster collaboration and interdisciplinary work, contributing to the program's reputation as one of the top Chemical Engineering programs in the country.

University of Delaware Chemical Engineering school acceptance rate

University of Delaware Chemical Engineering
Ottawa80 / Wikimedia Commons / "UD Dupont Hall" / Public domain
The Department of Chemical Engineering offers graduate programs (M.Ch.E. and Ph.D.) focused on developing students' engineering skills for the benefit of society. The programs include core courses, electives, and independent research guided by faculty. The department is located in the Allan P. Colburn Laboratory, housing facilities for research in various areas such as catalysis, polymer engineering, biochemical and biomedical engineering, and more. Close industry contacts and visiting scholars enhance students' understanding of engineering in real-world contexts. A dual degree option with an MBA is available. Concentrations include biomolecular, catalysis and energy, data and systems, and soft matter.

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Chemical Engineering school acceptance rate

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Chemical Engineering
AlexiusHoratius / Wikimedia Commons / "Amundson Hall Minnesota 5" / CC BY-SA 3.0
The M.S. in Data Science for Chemical Engineering and Materials Science is a groundbreaking program that combines expertise in chemical engineering, materials science, and data science. It is the first joint degree offered by the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering (CEMS). The program equips students with the essential skills to seamlessly integrate digital technologies into their work. The curriculum includes core courses on statistical analysis, machine learning, and optimization, with applications in various engineering fields. Students can specialize in areas such as artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, automation and robotics, or data analytics. A unique feature is the option to undertake a capstone project with esteemed CEMS faculty, collaborating with other departments or industry advisors. This interdisciplinary training and cutting-edge projects make graduates highly desirable in industries such as chemical, biotechnology, and materials.

University of Texas, Austin (Cockrell) Chemical Engineering school acceptance rate

University of Texas, Austin (Cockrell) Chemical Engineering
I, Zereshk / Wikimedia Commons / "UT Austin Engineering Buildings" / CC BY-SA 3.0
The University of Texas at Austin's chemical engineering program, ranked No. 8 in the nation, offers students the chance to develop technical and teamwork skills through a world-class faculty. The program focuses on groundbreaking research in energy, human health, and sustainability. With a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, the program guarantees 100% full funding, including tuition, health insurance, and a competitive stipend. The university also provides support for families, including academic milestone extensions, on-site lactation rooms, and access to the UT Child Development Center. Students benefit from a vibrant community of engineering organizations and interdisciplinary opportunities, with access to resources across campus.


And there you have it - the top graduate schools for Chemical Engineering. These are some of the best schools in the country for this field, and admission into any of them would be a great accomplishment that could set you up for a strong career.
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